Make Change Handbooks

A series of short handbooks designed for quick deep-dives into the world of making change, there are three handbooks in the series, and each are available for download.
The first handbook, Make Change: A Handbook for Creative Rebels and Change Agents, explores all the different concepts and ways you can engage with creative change making.
The second book is Tips and Tricks for Facilitating Change, and this came about after years of facilitating workshops and knowledge transfer sessions that all required a different level of experience design to make the sessions effective. This book is based on two global human experiences: our shared social construction and the influence of neurochemicals.
The third book in the Make Change Series is the Disruptive Design Method Handbook, detailing how to enact the mining, landscaping, and building method for making change. This 3-part applied method is the outcome of years of work and research into a systems and sustainability approach to designing interventions that leverage change within a system.
The forth handbook is Circular Systems Design which explores systems thinking and designing systems wide solutions for complex social and environmental issues. The more you discover systems thinking and embrace a creatively disruptive approach to participating in the world, the more you will gain autonomy over the opportunity you have to participate with purpose and make change in the world around you.
The fifth handbook is Design Systems Change. This handbook is an in-depth exploration of agency-building tools for activating a life of creative changemaking. Packed with new insights and ideas on how to expand your sphere of include and contribute to the transition to a circular and regenerative future, this handbook is also a workbook, complete with interactive reflections and actions to help expand your capacity to make change.
The objective of this series of handbooks is to synthesize complex knowledge into quick transferable chunks of information in ways that are engaging and actionable.